Tuesday 11 October 2011


          Such a wonderful thing at times and sometimes can be the total opposite. We only wonder how things have changed, have become good, or have gone bad. But what is that which makes life complicated?? There is no one who can give an answer to this question! What is that makes life interesting? Company,People around you,love, How things are going around you. And the interesting part is that, those are the same things which makes life sad.
            But everything has its ups and downs. Today might be the most amazing day of your life and tomorrow might be one of the worst! That's the nature of life. Life is always about learning something new, out of your happiness and your sorrows.
            The one who learns to overcome his sorrows when in pain and manages to smile, he has learnt most of the that he is destined to learn!
             Sometimes, it is that one person, whom you trust, can be responsible for life or death. If that person is there for you when needed, has been there through your joys and sorrows, can make a major difference in life. If u know that there is someone out there who cares about you and loves you for what you are, with whom you can share everything, that is when one feels that there is something to live for. That is when you enjoy life. That is when you live for yourself and for others!
             Live and let live, make others happy, do not make enemies, live a honest life and make it fruitful! Live life, for you, for others around you. Live life to make others happy and also to be happy. Just live life, enjoy it, do not let it go waste thinking about the past. Do not give up, as you feel it is difficult. Faith and your loved ones are all you need, to fight and win over all your difficulties and miseries! Love yourself, love life!!

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